About MIDI Cables and Connectors

MIDI, or Musical Instrument Digital Interface, is often associated with the 5 pin circular DIN connector. Typically, these connections only utilize 3 out of the 5 pins of the MIDI connector (2, 4, and 5), but in some cases only use 2 pins. Some devices are referred to as “active MIDI” and use the additional pins for other data or power. These require what is called 5-Pin Discrete MIDI cables. For right angle 5 pin connectors, we use Switchcraft connectors with 8 different cable exit angles. The most popular for pedals is 3 o’clock. The angle can be changed by unscrewing the housing and very carefully rotating the pins until they click back into place, then screwing the housing back together.


When connecting a device with a 5 pin MIDI jack to one with a traditional phone jack (usually 1/4” or 3.5mm TRS), there are several different protocols out there. The most common for MIDI over TRS is referred to as Type A. If you’re not sure, consult the manual/product specs or contact the manufacturer of the device with the TRS jack, or feel free to contact us!

Here’s a breakdown with some popular manufacturers and products; by no means is it comprehensive and we’ll be updating it from time to time!

Type A:

Pin 5-Tip (Current Sink / MIDI Data)

Pin 4- Ring (Current Source / VCC )

Pin 2 – Sleeve (Shield)

Used by BOSS, Akai Pro, inMusic, Pirate MIDI, IK Multimedia, Korg, Line 6, littleBits, Make Noise, Empress, Teenage Engineering, Meris, Eventide, Alexander, Bondi, Swindler, Strymon (Riverside and Sunset), ADDAC Systems, Disaster Area (micro.clock multijack)

Type B:

Pin 5 – Ring (Current Sink / MIDI Data)

Pin 4 – Tip (Current Source / VCC)

Pin 2 – Sleeve (Shield)

Used by Jackson Audio (Golden Boy), Arturia (BeatStep PRO, Music1010, Novation

Strymon Pedals

Please note, Strymon products do not use either of these protocols, but their own proprietary “MIDI EXP” cable, which utilizes some additional circuitry called an octocoupler. If you’d like us to modify one for you, please send a custom request. Or, you can use a standard 5-Pin MIDI cable along with a TRS cable with the use of Strymon’s Conduit MIDI Hub.

Chase Bliss Pedals

TRS Connector Tip: Not connected
TRS Connector Ring: MIDI connector pin 5
TRS Connector Sleeve: MIDI connector pin 2

Chase Bliss pedals (excluding Automatone) do not use the Tip connection of the TRS connector.

Red Panda Pedals

TRS Connector Tip: MIDI connector pin 5
TRS Connector Ring: Not connected
TRS Connector Sleeve: MIDI connector pin 2

For more information about Red Panda MIDI compatibility, see their support article.

TS (Type C / Non-TRS)

TS Connector Tip: MIDI connector pin 4

TS Connector Sleeve: MIDI connector pin 5

These devices are not common, and use a 3.5mm plug as opposed to 1/4”.

Used by Expert Sleepers, Arturia Beatstep (Original, not Pro), MFB, MidiPlus (MiniEngine and MiniEngine Pro).