Nashville, TN

Chicago Cable Company is moving to Nashville!

It comes as rather bittersweet for me, but after nearly a decade of calling Chicago our home, and a couple years of me doing this thing called Chicago Cable Company, my wife and I and our pit bull companion are packing up and relocating to Nashville, TN come the end of the month. Things have been pretty quiet from my end lately, as I gear up for the move, and I’m looking forward to being back up and running and open for business after settling in. And yes, it’ll still be called ‘Chicago Cable Company’, at least for now. Chicago will always be where I started out, and a city I truly love and am inspired by; the people, the businesses, big and small, the work ethic, the music scene, the vibes, the food and beer. Man, will I miss that…

Here’s to the next chapter and the big plans I have for this little business.

Keep plugging away.


— Gregg